Saturday, January 30, 2016

Leader's Compass 35: How You Do Anything

There's a saying that goes "how you do anything is how you'll do everything." This is a particularly ponderous thought for a leader. I've always been a fan of living an examined life. Regularly journaling ones thoughts, experiences and perspectives can help create a consistent habit of concious and intentional action.

Recently the Wall Street Journal highlighted a gentleman who had spent over 40 years journaling at the beginning of each day. This initial intentional action each day helped him make sense of his life, express his feelings and make his experiences and emotions tangible.

It's unfortunate that in our day and age loud and sometimes vulgar expressions of emotion are the norm. What would the world be like if daily a leader sat with a cup of tea expressing his thoughts on paper. What if she examined her emotions in a journal, making them tangible and clear before she vomited them on her team? What would happen if he examined how he felt and worked it out on paper with a plan rather than burying his feelings in a passive aggressive pattern?

How you do anything is how you will do everything. Are you concious and thoughtful with your emotions, your thoughts and your plans? Do you live and examined life? Do you live a life of true intention or are you constantly caught up in the mood of the moment? Your life, your growth, your emotional intelligence and maturity are all in your control. What path will you chose? How will you approach the one thing in your life that will create the pattern for everything? The choice is yours. Lead on and live well.

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