Friday, November 29, 2013

Leader's Compass 11 - F!%# and the G-word - How they are ruining your life got past the title of this blog which means you think I'm either going to cuss a lot or you're just a curious little one that's not afraid to dig deeper. The little self righteous ones are thinking that this is going to be some damn post about how cussing is ruining your life.'s about the soft words you use to deceive yourself and block your personal progress. Sorry selfies.

In the book "Good to Great" author Jim Collins says that most people do not have great lives, businesses, relationships, etc. because most people good lives, good businesses, good relationships. Good is the enemy of great. Why isn't your life amazing? Because you use the "F" word too much... Your life is "fine"... or it's "good."

Human behavior expert Anthony Robbins teaches that fabric softener is great for making our clothes feel good...verbal softeners, on the other hand are not great for making our souls feel good. Sure, saying you're fine or good will make you feel better in the moment...but your soul will still feel unsettled, agitated and unfulfilled. You're not're upset. You're not good, you're overweight. You're not fine, you're a poor money manager. You're not good, you're explosive and volatile in relationships. You're not fine, you're living a zombie life of poor experience and an over-abundance of technology. Softening reality only makes self deception more powerful and delays our direct action towards a great life. 

Fine and good are two of the worst softeners we use in our vocabulary and are two words that dam us from progressing. You want to improve an area of your life? Call it like you see it. Then, and only then can you, your soul, your brain, your heart get the reality of your current situation and provide firm footing for progress. 

Stop "fining" your life. Stop being so "good." Be great by starting where you truly are and moving forward from there. You weren't born to be weren't born to be good...BE great.

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