When you were young you learned to roll over. In time you developed to the point where not only could you roll but you could sit up, scoot, crawl, stand, walk and eventually run. It took you countless hours, weeks, months and years to successfully develop the skill of walking and, unless you have been injured or debilitated in some way you have never stopped. Why would you?
Did you know that after formal education (high school or college) most people stop reading? Why? I'm sure there are several well thought out excuses, but ultimately many people simply stop educating themselves after they are forced to.
Think back for a minute to the time you began looking at the alphabet. When did you begin identifying, observing, writing and reading letters, words and then sentences and paragraphs? Over the years the time we each invest in this form of communication far outweighs the time we invested in learning to walk and yet at a certain point in life many of those who are literate simply chose not to continue. This phenomenon has always facinated me.
One of the phrases I use regularly in teaching is that if you are good at making excuses you probably suck at everything else. Why don't you read? Why don't you learn? Why don't you exercise, eat well, show love, exhibit patience, practice self-control, communicate effectively, save and invest money, work hard or BE who you want to be? The answers to these questions can lead down two paths - one of excuse or one of skill development, growth and life long learning.
Research shows that typically the most successful people in any area of life are not the most talented or the most naturally gifted. Those who succeed at life, in business, in love, relationships, sports or any other discipline are those who have a constant and never ending passion for learning, growth and dedicated, focused work.
The excuse makers forget that we live in an era of unprecedented educational resources. You can buy and/or access newspapers, books, articles and essays about any subject by masters of success from all over the world. You want to pick the brain of DaVinci, Einstein or The Dali Lhama? Simple. You want to learn how to make, save, invest and grow money from the worlds wealthiest? No problem. Learn the steps to fulfillment? Done. Understand the steps of effective communication? It's all out there.
Let's be honest though - isn't life easier being ignorant? Isn't it easier to extend our finger to point out and blame others, or, even better, extend the other finger to tell them how we really feel? I say we all give up and throw out the countless hours of skill development, stop walking and continue to have "chosen" illiteracy. Good idea? Great! I'll see you on the couch...just don't touch my remote!
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